Monday, 18 December 2006

A tale of two halves

Well one quarter really!

My SisterLock(TM) installation began in earnest today. I washed my hair last night in preparation and found it extemely difficult to not put conditioner in. When my hair was dry it felt (and I'm sure it looked) like straw! We got started at about 10am and I left the salon just after 4pm, we stopped briefly to have something to eat. My hairdresser doesn't usually work on Mondays so today was a favour for me.
One quarter of my head is filled with SL's - 121 to be exact - I couldn't resist counting them when I got home! I probably have another 25 at the back where she has started another section. I am resisting the urge to play with them and I have put them into a french plait to help pevent this. Already my hair looks a lot shorter - I don't know if anybody else noticed this when they had theirs done.
I can't wait for it to be finished; I am back at the salon at 9am tomorrow and my hairdesser has told me that I am in for a long day...

1 comment:

Valenciajaz said...

Congradulations and welcome to the Sisterlock family. Holla back at us when you get some picss