Thursday, 30 August 2007

Don't shop when you're in a bad mood

It can bring out the worst in you; especially if you are in an overcrowded supermarket. During my torture today I made a few observations :

  • Heelies or Wheelies or whatever they are called should be banned from shops, particularly supermarkets. It is enough to have to contend with a trolley that has a mind of it's own, without having some crazy kid whose shoes are pretending to be rollerskates zooming in and out of you and the other shoppers. What is that all about? And why do said children always seem to have parents that are unable to control them
  • New members of staff should not be put on the checkout until they ABSOLUTELY know what they are doing. It is most painful to endure a cashier referring back to their handbook after each item they scan; particularly when you have are buying more than one item. Don't misunderstand me, I am generally a very tolerant person. BUT, it took nearly 40 minutes for my shopping to be processed.
  • Car parks should have extra big spaces for people that can't park. They are going to take over two or three bays with their bizarre diagonal parking; so just give them enough space to park in whatever formation tickles their fancy without damaging other cars.
  • If your shopping experience has been anything less than highly enjoyable, you should be given a complimentary bar of fat free, calorie free chocolate, to eat in your car as you sit in rush hour traffic trying to get home.


Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I so hate grocery shopping so I go extra early in the morning. I don't think they should allow kids to wear those skate shoes in grocery stores, it's dangerous. Just the other day I saw a kid crash into an elderly woman's wheel chair and nearly knocked the wind out of her.

I think they should stick the new cashier's in the 10 items or less lines.

The worst case is when you only have 2 items but someone with a ton of groceries is in front of you, in the 10 items or less line, a coupon for every item and writing a check to boot!!! Huh!!!!??

Goodnapps said...

I definitely feel where you are coming from with this post. Not only do I not shop when angry, no shopping when in a hurry.

Aya said...

Oh my....I sure hope your day got better after all of that. I can so relate for I have had similar days. My niece wears those roller sneakers, and it drives me nuts. I've heard that many head injuries have occurred as a result of them. Hang in there.

Mel said...

MM - 10 items or less till is a great idea

Yes Goodnapps, shopping in a hurry is a bad idea as is shopping when hungry!

Aya, I felt much better when I got home and had a lovely cup of coffee!