Tuesday, 13 February 2007

I've decided...

that I am going to have to get

  • something new to cover my hair at night - my do-rag just isn't working with my hair anymore.
  • a Nappylocs tool - don't know when I'll use it, but I am growing more determined to maintain my own hair.

I am still undecided about

  • Softspikes - I love the look, but don't know if I can sleep with them in (however, I have seen these and they look interesting...).

I have realised that

  • I love my hair when it looks big.
  • I don't like my roots looking too messy.
  • I need to wash my hair once a week; I would love to wash it more often, but don't think it's a good idea at this early stage.

I look forward to

  • my locks filling out.
  • being able to swim without worrying about my hair.

It is over six months since I last relaxed my hair - wow. I can't say that I miss it! Although I liked the way my hair looked, there were times when my scalp felt like it was on fire, even after I'd left the salon. I am enjoying my new found freedom, and I know that there is still more to come...


Brenda said...

I love that fuchsia color! But 3 things; if you could possibly sleep on those, I think you could sleep on softspikes; fabric covered rollers (with probably a wire inside) are likely to get torn or lose holding ability with frequent use; you 'll need waaaay more than 16. I don't know what that price is in dollars, but you'd need about 4 sets to equal what you get in SS.

A Nappylocs tool is good to have even if you don't plan to do your whole head. You can just touch-up the front and make it appear that you're freshly retightened!

Mel said...

These rollers heat up so I think they are 'quick' option. I'm not sure of the exchange rate, but roughly $40.
Is it necessary to have the SoftSpikes in overnight?

AFunkyKindaGlow said...

Where did you get your nappylocs tool, I am going for a retightening class and would love to get hold of one of these before then.
I slept with soft spikes it was weird at first!

AFunkyKindaGlow said...

Doh ... I clicked on the Nappylocs link!!

Mel said...

I haven't got the tool yet - but I will be ordering one!
Where are you taking the class?

Brenda said...

You don't need to sleep on them, but I recommend doing it overnight to ensure your hair is completely dry (and I also need about an hour under the dryer). After spending a hour to roll my hair, I don't want it messed up by taking them out before it's dry. I have some in as I type and they really are comfortable to sleep in!