Sunday, 29 April 2007

Flakes away (hopefully)

A while back I promised to post pics of my two french plait set the next time I did it - here they are! Before washing my hair today I did an ACV rinse; I 've been suffering from some flaking recently, no itching, just flakes. I left the ACV on for 45 minutes while watching the second half of the Arsenal v Fulham match (YES!) and then rinsed it off before shampooing; I then spritzed my scalp with Witch Hazel and Tea Tree Oil before putting the french plaits in.
I hope that these measures will help to alleviate the flaking; we'll see...


Goodnapps said...

Good luck and keep me posted. I'm still in search of a good remedy.

Anonymous said...

OOOOh, I wish I knew how to french braid. You look so cute!! Still trying to figure out how on earth you're old enough to have children. :)

I don't know if you can get it in the UK, but I've been using Nizoral shampoo. Since then, I have not had to make any hair "potions" to combat flakiness/itchiness. My consultant was amazed that there was nary a flake to be seen. :)

Mel said...

Goodnapps, the flakes seem to have lessened. Think it might be too soon to say that I have found the cure though...

Sunsail, I will have a look for this shampoo - how often do you use it? You must try the French Plait, they give such a lovely wave to your hair when you take them out.