Saturday, 25 August 2007

"Light" reading - update

I spent more time snoozing in the sun in Egypt, than I did reading for work! So I now have just over a week to get through everything; even though I've had nearly six weeks to get this done. There is something about the long summer holiday that makes me a little lazy and I just find it so difficult to get back into work mode. But I'm trying, really I am...


Anonymous said...

It's good you got to relax on your time off. I'm sure you'll get back in the mix once the school session starts..

You sure do look comfortable...

brunsli said...

I agree with Meikmeika, it's good to relax on vacation! Look at it this way -- if you felt like sleeping, you needed the rest. :)

There's plenty of time for stress and work during the school year. :)

Naturally Sophia said...

Ditto to what Burnsli and Meikmeika said. I want to go all the time but my body has it's own ideas.

I wish I could be taking a sunbath somewhere nice...

Mel said...

I have tried to make a real point of not working during holidays this academic year. Last year I spent A LOT of time in school when I should have been relaxing. I guess I'm just feeling a little guilty, which of course I know I shouldn't. I have a few days next week at work before all the students return, when I can finish anything I need to.